wdt_ID | Date | Category | User ID | Week | Weekday | Lodge | Tyling | Meeting Place | No. | Work | Work (private) | Booking via | Non-Standard Date/Time/Venue | Visiting Masters |
439 | 06/02/2025 | Craft | 4 | 1st | Thu | Victorian Naval & Military Lodge | 06:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 49 | First Degree. Obligate Master Elect | Obligate master Elect Master's last night | mailto: sec.vnandm.49@gmail.com | Standard | North Melbourne Lodge |
447 | 26/02/2025 | Other Orders | 16 | 4th | Wed | RSM - Melbourne Council | 06:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 2 | Royal Master Degree Supper bookings via TryBooking. | Royal Master Degree Supper bookings via TryBooking. | https://www.trybooking.com/1309287 | Standard | |
448 | 08/02/2025 | Craft | 42 | 1st | Sat | The Lodge of Evolution | 03:00 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 931 | Installation (Note one week later than regular meeting night) | Installation of WBro. Nicholas Clifton | https://www.trybooking.com/CXUGS | Non-Standard | North Melbourne Lodge |
497 | 01/02/2025 | Craft | 7 | 1st | Sat | Amalthea, Lodge | 03:15 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 914 | Installation meeting. | Installation of Bro. Jonny Dyas and Investiture of Officers. | https://www.trybooking.com/CXVXX | Standard | |
498 | 03/02/2025 | Craft | 7 | 1st | Mon | Garibaldi Lodge | 07:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 890 | Obligation of Master Elect. | Obligation of Master Elect Bro. Ascanio Tartaglia. | Standard | ||
499 | 22/02/2025 | Craft | 7 | 4th | Sat | Bank Place Lodge | 02:00 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 942 | Installation. | Installation of Brother Richard Payne and Investiture of Officers. | https://www.trybooking.com/CXUOW | Standard | |
500 | 11/02/2025 | Mark | 7 | 2nd | Tue | Victoria Mark Lodge (EC) | 06:15 PM | The Kelvin Club | 47 | Ceremony of Advancement. | To advance to the Honourable Degree of a Mark Master Mason (if elected): Bro Phillip David McMaster. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYGRO | Standard | |
501 | 15/02/2025 | Craft | 7 | 3rd | Sat | Gregorios Lodge | 03:00 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 865 | Installation and Investiture of Lodge Officers. | Installation of WBro. Carlos Quiroga as WM and Investiture of Lodge Officers. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYHOV | Standard | |
503 | 05/04/2025 | Craft | 7 | 1st | Sat | Garibaldi Lodge | 03:00 PM | Freemasons Bayside | 890 | Installation and Investiture of Officers. | Installation of Bro. Ascanio Tartaglia as WM and Investiture of Officers. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYEXT | Standard | |
504 | 21/03/2025 | Grand Lodge | 7 | 3rd | Fri | United Grand Lodge of Victoria | 07:00 PM | Sofitel Hotel | Cocktail Party - hosted by the Grand Master. | Cocktail Party - hosted by the Grand Master. | https://www.freemasonsvic.net.au/grandinstallation/ | Standard | ||
505 | 22/03/2025 | Grand Lodge | 7 | 4th | Sat | United Grand Lodge of Victoria | 01:00 PM | Sofitel Hotel | Grand Installation. | Grand Installation of RWBro. Peter Henshall, DGM, as the 49th Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Victoria. | https://www.freemasonsvic.net.au/grandinstallation/ | Standard | ||
506 | 22/03/2025 | Grand Lodge | 7 | 4th | Sat | United Grand Lodge of Victoria | 06:30 PM | Sofitel Hotel | Grand Banquet. | Grand Banquet. | https://www.freemasonsvic.net.au/grandinstallation/ | Standard | ||
507 | 23/03/2025 | Grand Lodge | 7 | 4th | Sun | United Grand Lodge of Victoria | 12:00 PM | Jim Stynes Room, MCG | Farewell Lunch. | Farewell Lunch, | https://www.freemasonsvic.net.au/grandinstallation/ | Standard | ||
508 | 04/02/2025 | Craft | 16 | 1st | Tue | The Old Melburnians Lodge | 07:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 317 | Open / Close and Masonic Education. | Open / Close and Masonic Education. Supper bookings via email to Secretary om317lodge@gmail.com | Standard | North Melbourne Lodge | |
509 | 10/02/2025 | Education | 16 | 2nd | Mon | Masonic Advanement Program (MAP) | 06:45 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | MAP 3 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | MAP 3 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYQYA | Standard | ||
512 | 11/03/2025 | Education | 16 | 2nd | Tue | Masonic Advanement Program (MAP) | 06:45 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | MAP 1 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | MAP 1 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYQYA | Standard | ||
513 | 14/04/2025 | Education | 16 | 2nd | Mon | Masonic Advanement Program (MAP) | 06:45 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | MAP 2 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | MAP 2 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYQYA | Standard | ||
514 | 12/03/2025 | Chapter | 16 | 2nd | Wed | Lord Somers Australasian HRA Chapter | 07:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 1 | TBA | TBA | Standard | ||
515 | 04/03/2025 | Craft | 16 | 1st | Tue | The Old Melburnians Lodge | 07:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 317 | TBA | TBA Supper bookings via email to Secretary om317lodge@gmail.com | Standard | ||
516 | 25/02/2025 | Craft | 7 | 4th | Tue | Middle Park Lodge | 07:15 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 206 | Election of Master for the Ensuing Year. Vote on a charity proposal. First Degree ceremony. | Election of Master for the Ensuing Year. Vote on a charity proposal. Initiation of Aleksander De Rey as an EA. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYBQG | Standard | North Melbourne Lodge |
517 | 06/03/2025 | Craft | 4 | 1st | Thu | Victorian Naval & Military Lodge | 06:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 49 | Installation - WBro Dr Jon Hodson and Investiture of his Officers | Installation - WBro Dr Jon Hodson and Investiture of his Officers | mailto: sec.vnandm.49@gmail.com | Standard | |
518 | 03/04/2025 | Craft | 4 | 1st | Thu | Victorian Naval & Military Lodge | 06:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 49 | ANZAC Meeting | ANZAC Meeting | mailto: sec.vnandm.49@gmail.com | Standard | |
519 | 01/05/2025 | Craft | 4 | 1st | Thu | Victorian Naval & Military Lodge | 06:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 49 | First Degree - Mr Mathew Arrowsmith | First Degree - Mr Mathew Arrowsmith | mailto: sec.vnandm.49@gmail.com | Standard | |
520 | 14/02/2025 | Craft | 7 | 2nd | Fri | The Lodge of the Golden Fleece | 06:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 300 | Double 2nd Degree & Annual Mediterranean Night! | Double 2nd Degree & Annual Mediterranean Night! | https://www.trybooking.com/CYMUZ | Standard | |
521 | 05/02/2025 | Craft | 42 | 1st | Wed | Old Scotch Collegians' Lodge | 07:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 396 | Masonic Talks and Entertainment in the South | Masonic Talks and Entertainment in the South | https://www.trybooking.com/CYRHB | Standard | North Melbourne Lodge |
522 | 02/04/2025 | Craft | 42 | 1st | Wed | Old Scotch Collegians' Lodge | 07:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 396 | TBA | TBA | https://www.trybooking.com/CYRHB | Standard | |
523 | 04/06/2025 | Craft | 42 | 1st | Wed | Old Scotch Collegians' Lodge | 07:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 396 | TBA | TBA | https://www.trybooking.com/CYRHB | Standard | |
524 | 06/08/2025 | Craft | 42 | 1st | Wed | Old Scotch Collegians' Lodge | 07:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 396 | TBA | TBA | https://www.trybooking.com/CYRHB | Standard | |
525 | 01/10/2025 | Craft | 42 | 1st | Wed | Old Scotch Collegians' Lodge | 07:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 396 | TBA | TBA | https://www.trybooking.com/CYRHB | Standard | |
526 | 24/02/2025 | Craft | 7 | 4th | Mon | Duke of Sussex Lodge | 06:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | 48 | Installation. | Installation of Master Elect - Bro. Luke Paolini. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYTGW | Standard | |
527 | 03/02/2025 | Craft | 15 | 1st | Mon | North Melbourne Lodge | 07:00 PM | East Melbourne | 41 | Reception of CGP report; fellowship, dinner. | Reception of CGP report; fellowship, dinner. | Standard | ||
528 | 03/03/2025 | Craft | 15 | 1st | Mon | North Melbourne Lodge | 07:00 PM | East Melbourne | 41 | Passing to the 2nd degree | Passing of Bro David Ebdon EA | Standard | ||
529 | 07/04/2025 | Craft | 15 | 1st | Mon | North Melbourne Lodge | 07:00 PM | East Melbourne | 41 | Catechetical Lectures in 2nd degree (1st degree education will be provided simultaneously) | Catechetical Lectures in 2nd degree (1st degree education will be provided simultaneously) | Standard | ||
530 | 05/05/2025 | Craft | 15 | 1st | Mon | North Melbourne Lodge | 07:00 PM | East Melbourne | 41 | Full Open & Close with WTs; Obligation of WM in 2nd degree. | Full Open & Close with WTs; Obligation of WM in 2nd degree. | Standard | ||
531 | 02/06/2025 | Craft | 15 | 1st | Mon | North Melbourne Lodge | 07:00 PM | East Melbourne | 41 | 164th Annual Installation | 164th Annual Installation | Standard | ||
533 | 12/05/2025 | Education | 16 | 2nd | Mon | Masonic Advanement Program (MAP) | 06:45 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | MAP 3 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | MAP 3 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYQYA | Standard | ||
534 | 12/06/2025 | Education | 16 | 2nd | Thu | Masonic Advanement Program (MAP) | 06:45 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | MAP 1 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | MAP 1 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYQYA | Standard | ||
535 | 14/07/2025 | Education | 16 | 2nd | Mon | Masonic Advanement Program (MAP) | 06:45 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | MAP 2 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | MAP 2 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYQYA | Standard | ||
536 | 11/08/2025 | Education | 16 | 2nd | Mon | Masonic Advanement Program (MAP) | 06:45 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | MAP 3 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | MAP 3 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYQYA | Standard | ||
537 | 08/09/2025 | Education | 16 | 2nd | Mon | Masonic Advanement Program (MAP) | 06:45 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | MAP 1 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | MAP 1 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYQYA | Standard | ||
538 | 13/10/2025 | Education | 16 | 2nd | Mon | Masonic Advanement Program (MAP) | 06:45 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | MAP 2 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | MAP 2 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYQYA | Standard | ||
539 | 10/11/2025 | Education | 16 | 2nd | Mon | Masonic Advanement Program (MAP) | 06:45 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | MAP 3 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | MAP 3 Please remember to bring your Masonic Education Passport. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYQYA | Standard | ||
540 | 28/03/2025 | Craft | 15 | 4th | Fri | Research | 07:30 PM | Grandview Hotel, Fairfield | 218 | Installation of WBro NE Sakellaropoulos WME; Presentation by MWBro Peter Henshall "The Craft and the Commerce of Ethics" | Installation of WBro NE Sakellaropoulos WME; Presentation by MWBro Peter Henshall "The Craft and the Commerce of Ethics" | https://www.trybooking.com/CMZOQ | Standard | |
541 | 25/04/2025 | Craft | 15 | 4th | Fri | Research | 07:30 PM | Grandview Hotel, Fairfield | 218 | Presentation by RWBro Ian Upjohn "Rum Rebellion & Eureka Stockade: Masonic Principles or Masonic Misconduct?" | Presentation by RWBro Ian Upjohn "Rum Rebellion & Eureka Stockade: Masonic Principles or Masonic Misconduct?" | https://www.trybooking.com/CMZOQ | Standard | |
542 | 23/05/2025 | Craft | 15 | 4th | Fri | Research | 07:30 PM | Grandview Hotel, Fairfield | 218 | "Stoic Philosophy and the Craft" by Bro James Constance | "Stoic Philosophy and the Craft" by Bro James Constance | https://www.trybooking.com/CMZOQ | Standard | |
543 | 25/02/2025 | Education | 16 | 4th | Tue | Central District Lodge of Instruction | 06:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | Deacons - Foundations of Floorwork 2025 Program commences with learning the fundamentals of good floorwork and Opening/Closing the lodge. Steps into Degree Ceremonies in future months. Targeted at deacons floorwork, but all floor officers are welcome. | Deacons - Foundations of Floorwork 2025 Program commences with learning the fundamentals of good floorwork and Opening/Closing the lodge. Steps into Degree Ceremonies in future months. Targeted at deacons floorwork, but all floor officers are welcome. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYVCL | Standard | ||
544 | 22/04/2025 | Education | 16 | 4th | Tue | Central District Lodge of Instruction | 06:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | First Degree Ceremony - Masters, Wardens, Deacons and Inner Guards will be guided through the First Degree Ceremony. All are encourage to attend the Foundations of Floorwork in Feb which includes Opening / Closing the lodge. | First Degree Ceremony - Masters, Wardens, Deacons and Inner Guards will be guided through the First Degree Ceremony. All are encourage to attend the Foundations of Floorwork in Feb which includes Opening / Closing the lodge. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYVCL | Standard | ||
545 | 28/10/2025 | Education | 16 | 4th | Tue | Central District Lodge of Instruction | 06:30 PM | Freemasons Melbourne | Wardens Training & Full Open/Close - Masters, Wardens and Deacons encouraged to train for your current role and prepare for the next. | Wardens Training & Full Open/Close - Masters, Wardens and Deacons encouraged to train for your current role and prepare for the next. | https://www.trybooking.com/CYVCL | Standard | ||
Date | Category | User ID | Week | Weekday | Lodge | Tyling | Meeting Place | No. | Work | Work (private) | Booking via | Visiting Masters |
Craft | Mark | RAM | Chapter | Other Orders | Grand Lodge | Education | District | Installation (bold) | Non-Standard Date/Time/Venue (italics) |
District Co-ordinator:
District Secretary:
Freemasons Victoria:
288 Victoria Parade
+61 (0)3 9411 0111